Two Ways this Busy Season to Slow Down and "Come to Your Senses"

November 3, 2016


InSpero’s fourth annual Creation Waits invites you to go from the hustle of the holidays to the wonder of what the Christmas season truly means. Wait with us in this quiet, worshipful way on Sunday, November 27 (the first Sunday of Advent) at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Performance begins at 6 p.m.

Singer and songwriter Jenny Pruitt will share her meditations on Advent through her original music.  Artist Gina Hurry will paint live in response to her music.This Advent offering is followed at 7 p.m. by a reception and gallery show of 25+ Birmingham area artists displaying new art around the annunciation and theme of “Do Not Fear” found in Luke 1:26-38.

$10 gallery donation per person through eventbrite or at the door ($20 maximum per family). Children under 12 are free.

Jenny’s Creation Waits CDs, Gina’s limited signed prints, and much of the displayed original art will be available for purchase. Gina’s paintings from this evening will also be available by silent auction with all profits going to further InSpero’s dream of renaming Birmingham #thecitybeautiful.


Dr. Gisela Kreglinger, friend of InSpero and author of "The Spirituality of Wine," returns to Birmingham to give a unique evening exploring with the importance of wine, joy, and feasting for our spiritual lives on Thursday, November 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Highland. It will begin with a presentation on the spirituality of wine after which Dr. Kreglinger will introduce wine tasting as a spiritual practice. A discussion and book signing will follow the wine tasting. Books are available for purchase. The $30 ticket covers the presentation, wine tasting, and discussion. To purchase a ticket, click here.


More than 100 gather to pray for our city at 16th Street Baptist Church. Photo by Josh Vigneulle
More than 100 gather to pray for our city at 16th Street Baptist Church. Photo by Josh Vigneulle

InSpero’s The City Beautiful week of events featuring Andi Ashworth and Steve Garber culminated in a prayer breakfast at the historic 16th Street Baptist Church where more than 100 people from around the city gathered to hear from Steve Garber, pray, and sing Amazing Grace. Dr. Garber writes,

With heartache, the 16th Street Baptist Church is known for the tragic bombing in the early 1960s which killed four little girls as they walked from their class to the sanctuary one Sunday morning. In every way, that wounded the city, bringing a sorrow that still hangs over Birmingham. But over the last few years I have been watching good people do good work here, seeing themselves implicated for love's sake in the way the city turns out. These were the folks who brought me in, their loves and lives teaching me the most important things. As I walked out of the church, someone said to me, "This was a holy and historic moment." I hope so, I hope so.

Below is a video slide show and some photos from our three-day event.

Pastors and artists share a magical dinner by Chef Mac Russell at the Clubhouse on Highland and listen to each other on the fruit and frustrations of their callings and how to dream together to make the City Beautiful.  Photo by Josh Vigneulle. 
Pastors and artists share a magical dinner by Chef Mac Russell at the Clubhouse on Highland and listen to each other on the fruit and frustrations of their callings and how to dream together to make the City Beautiful.  Photo by Josh Vigneulle.

At the City Beautiful Lunch at the Nest in Avondale.  Photo by Charity Ponter.
At the City Beautiful Lunch at the Nest in Avondale.  Photo by Charity Ponter.

An InSpero Family Feast at the Salem farm. Photo by Charity Ponter
An InSpero Family Feast at the Salem farm. Photo by Charity Ponter

Gina Hurry, Andi Ashworth, Steve Garber, and Nancy Carroll discussing a life "implicated for love's sake."  Photo by Charity Ponter
Gina Hurry, Andi Ashworth, Steve Garber, and Nancy Carroll discussing a life "implicated for love's sake."  Photo by Charity Ponter


There’s a story of a woman who breaks an alabaster jar of perfume and pours it over Jesus. It was extravagant. Many considered it a foolish waste of resources. But Jesus stopped them in the midst of their criticisms and calculations. He told them, “She did what she could and it was a beautiful thing.” That’s how we felt about this October's The City Beautiful events.

We did what we could.

And it was beautiful thing.

Beauty is like an alabaster jar. It’s extravagant, foolish, and often misunderstood. But it leaves a lingering aroma of hope that gives strength to those in the midst of the brokenness of life.To continue to give these moments of beauty to our city, to our artists, and to our churches, we need your financial help. We’ve poured out our alabaster jar. Please consider giving InSpero, Inc. a 501c3 tax-deductible organization, a year-end gift. Click here to donate online or mail checks made to InSpero, Inc. to:

InSpero, Inc., 246 Marwood Drive, Birmingham, AL 35244

For more information about InSpero, to get involved, or donate, sign up at our website,

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