O What a Night!

November 18, 2015

Hundreds of people from around the city enjoyed great art, music, food and conversations at InSpero's Steel City Makers 5 Man Show held October 23.  

For Gina and Nancy, it was a dream realized as it combined in one event our vision for InSpero:  nurturing and cultivating the creative community, providing collaborative events for artists to create together and give good gifts to Birmingham, starting conversations for the common good, and celebrating our creative community and our city.

We want to show you a few images from this magical night and thank a few of the amazing people and sponsors of this event.



The Church of the Advent

Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church

St. Ambrose Church

Issam Bajalia, Salon U

A&G Lighting

Cahaba Brewery

Octane Coffee

UPS Store Caldwell

Susan Gordon Pottery

Eric Goss Art

Vintage Wines

Emily Kicklighter Photography

The Matchcoats

Gabriel Tajeu

Aaron Conrad

Savor Salt Co.

Dixie Design Collective

Party Time Turner Rentals

Jay Loughner

Dawn Designs

Banks Nash

Ed Cates


Slow down to let your heart experience the beauty of the season listening to Jenny Pruitt sing her original songs focused on Advent and by observing Gina Hurry paint live in response to the music.  It will be held at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church and nursery is provided. Reservations needed by November 16 to rblevins@ompc.org.

To make a tax-deductible donation to InSpero, please click on the donation link on our website or make checks to InSpero, Inc. and mail to 246 Marwood Drive, Birmingham, AL 35244.

Please consider InSpero, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for #givingtuesday December 1 and for your year-end giving. Events like the 5 Man Show and Creation Waits depend on your donations.

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