Words by Sir Francis Drake, 1577
Music by Jenny Pruitt, 2014©
Disturb us, Lord
when we are too pleased with ourselves
when our dreams come true
because we dreamed too little
when we safely arrive
because we sailed too close to the shore
Disturb us, Lord
To dare more boldly
To venture on wider seas
where storms will show Your mastery
where losing sight of land
we shall find the stars
push wide our faith
bring us to where You are
Disturb us, Lord
Disturb us, Lord in the things we posses
we have lost our thirst for Your holiness
when in our efforts to build on earth
our hearts for heaven have dimmed
Disturb us, then
Disturb Us, Lord II Wider Seas by Gina Hurry ©
In 2015, InSpero, like Sir Frances Drake, wants to dare more boldly and to lose sight of the shore as we seek to bring beauty and hope to our city and churches through nurturing our artists and providing venues and opportunities to create together. But we need your help as we "venture on wider seas" by giving a tax-deductible donation to InSpero.
To make a tax-deductible donation to InSpero, please click on the donation link on our website or make checks to Clerestory, Inc. with InSpero in the memo line and mail to Clerestory, Inc. at Two Perimeter Park South, Suite 550 East, Birmingham, AL 35243.
November 20, 2023
Mary Madeline Schumpert reflects on Inspero's Creatives Connect at Exvoto in Mountain Brook.
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