Gina recently attended a special symposium given by artist Mako Fujimura and Visions of Vocation author and InSpero board member Dr. Steven Garber in Vancouver, British Columbia. They delved into the power of art and story and vocation in finding a way to live, and still love, amidst the ruins. As Steve repeats often, "What will you do with what you know? How can you see your world in all its joy and pain and still love it? How will you seek its welfare?" For InSpero, our world is Birmingham, our creative community, and how our creatives can help the city and its churches flourish.
Mako challenged the group with the question, "When was the last time you wasted time?" Playing, creating, listening, sitting, thinking, being with people. Some thought Jesus "wasted" time because he didn't keep step with the agenda of others. Mary "wasted" her alabaster jar of her resources. But none of it was wasted. In a productive, driven world, people fear wasting time on the things that really matter. Beauty. Art. Creativity. Conversation. Collaboration. Relationships. Community. Restoration. Celebration. Hope. Conversations and questions like these with Mako and Steve confirm for Gina and Nancy the calling of InSpero for such a time as this! We've highlighted some of our upcoming events below.
We're celebrating our birthday with an intimate night of story and song featuring special guests and friends, Jill Phillips and Andy Gullahorn. Musicians and songwriters from Nashville (who also happened to be married) Jill and Andy weave true and resonant (and sometimes hilarious) stories through their powerful music. Appetizers and drinks will be served on Bob's amazing porch from 6-7 pm and the concert begins at 7 pm. We'll have an intermission with dessert because, well, it's our birthday! Please consider donating to InSpero, Inc. at this party so we can continue inspiring our creative community to bring beauty and hope to our city. There will be a limited number of tickets available to the public and they will go "live" on August 24. Link here for more information.
Deidre Clark, founder of KUUMBA and Birmingham TedX speaker and dear friend of InSpero, will be sharing from her participation in the Aspen Ideas Festival. InSpero's Bridge Builders is a group of artists and city visionaries seeking to understand and help heal the divisions and wounds of our city.
InSpero will offer a one-day retreat inviting artists to create through the season of Lent. It will be followed by a gallery art show of their work. This is from last year's gallery called Those Who Do Not Weep Do Not See and featured more than 40 local artists.
Please stay tuned for more information as the amazing singer-songwriter David Wilcox gives a benefit concert for InSpero, Inc. on Thursday, March 21 and follows it with a deeper conversations and a songwriting workshop for local musicians and artists on Friday, March 22. If you're interested in helping to sponsor this concert and/or workshop, please email
One of the most powerful events we do each year is a deep conversation between five senior pastors and five artists in the city around a chef-created meal.
Save the date and watch when the tickets go on sale for this event because it has sold out in the last few years. Two local singer-songwriters, two writers, two poets weave together story and song along with beautiful appetizers and drinks all at the Clubhouse on Highland.
Our fourth annual Magic City Storytellers Night sold out once again and was a beautiful evening. Thanks to those who helped pull it all together: Charlie Ritch, Charlotte Donlon, Corey Nolen, Elizabeth Dortch, Christi Wilson. And to our amazing host Bob McKenna. Our amazing line up included Wilder Adkins,Salaam Green, Russell Hehn, Kristen Iskandrian, Nathan Peek, and Maria Vargas. Thanks to the Clubhouse on Highland, Vintage Wine, The Neighborhood Brewand Church Street Shop for their break-up cookies. Here are a few photos (all taken by Emily Kicklighter Photography) that captured the event:
November 20, 2023
Mary Madeline Schumpert reflects on Inspero's Creatives Connect at Exvoto in Mountain Brook.
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