Artists Pondering Advent II

December 20, 2014
"Resembling" © Joanne Fogle
"Resembling" © Joanne Fogle

Isaiah 9

They will look to the earth but behold
Distress and darkness
The gloom of anguish

They will look to the earth but behold
Distress and darkness
The gloom of anguish
But there will be no gloom for her...

The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light
Those who walked in a land of deep darkness
On them a light has shone

You have multiplied its nations
You have increased its joy
And they will rejoice before you
As with joy at the harvest

For to us a child is born
And to us a son is given
For to us a child is born
And to us a son is given
He shall be called

Wonderful, Counselor
Mighty God, Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace

Wonderful, Counselor
Mighty God, Everlasting Father
Our Prince of Peace

They will look to the earth but behold
Distress and darkness
The gloom of anguish
...But there will be no gloom for her...

Jenny Pruitt Music ©

"The Long Journey Home" © Gina Hurry, a view of a painting in progress
"The Long Journey Home" © Gina Hurry, a view of a painting in progress

Advent is about waiting, often in the "gloom of anguish." That's why Christmas is so hard for so many. We're repeating the journey of the Israelites. Exiles in a strange land. We've seen a great light but still wait for the Great Light to come again. We long for home. We cling to the promise from the prophet Isaiah, "But there will be no gloom for her...."  

Jenny used the text of Isaiah 9 to create a new song for InSpero's Advent offering, Creation Waits, on November 30, 2014. Joanne's art shows the journey through darkness. Gina's piece hints to where the journey ends.

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