Wednesday, March 21, 7-8:30 p.m.
We invite the creative community of visual artists, artisans, visionaries, and those who love our city to join us to discuss and create around Victor Hugo's quote "Those who do not weep do not see." On Tuesday, February 13 Gary Purdy will lead a Lenten lectio divina (meditative creative reading of Scripture) on a passage in Joel 2 and then together we will contemplate where our hearts break and how we respond. Continuing our tradition to encourage artists to create through the Lenten Season, we will offer a gallery show for visual artists of any medium: photography, paint, charcoal, mixed media, sculptural, encaustic, etc., and for all others (poets, writers, musicians) interested. If you would like to submit an original offering reflecting this theme, please contact Melanie Grant at The deadline to receive art is March 9 for submissions and the gallery will be held at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church March 21 - June 3. To download our artist submission form, please click here.
Lenten Lectio Divina
Tuesday, February 13
9-11 a.m.
2817 Central Ave.
Homewood, AL 35209
7-9 p.m.
Meadows Home
617 55th Place S
Birmingham, AL 35212
For more information on our Lenten lectio, contact Nancy Carroll at
One of the most powerful ways InSpero has brought beauty and hope to our city is through our annual pastor-artist dinner where we invite five pastors from different ethnic and denominational backgrounds in our city to connect more deeply with an eclectic group of five artists. We discuss the deep struggles and deep fruit of their callings and how they most desire to impact Birmingham for good. We are delighted that Mac Russell of Shindigs Catering will create an amazing meal presented at the Clubhouse on Highland.
Mark your calendars for our fourth annual Magic City Storytellers show on Thursday, June 14 from 7-9 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Highland. Last year we sold out on this amazing night of story and song featuring emerging and established voices in Birmingham in poetry, fiction and songwriting. Come early for wine, beer and appetizers and enjoy our adult milk and cookie intermission as well. For more information, contact Nancy at and we will be updating you this Spring through email and our Instagram and Facebook accounts.
A group of artists and creatives gathered for InSpero's annual winter retreat on Saturday, January 13 to contemplate "Making Ourselves at Home" based on John 15. Thanks to Melissa Salem for opening her beautiful home, Elizabeth Dortch for organizing all the wonderful food, and to Innova for their amazing coffee.
Without your financial contributions and hundreds of volunteer hours, none of these events would be possible. You have provided scholarships to "starving" artists to attend retreats, helped us keep our ticket price to beautiful events within reach of everyone, and allowed us to provide a powerful evening of pastors and artists dreaming together for Birmingham.
November 20, 2023
Mary Madeline Schumpert reflects on Inspero's Creatives Connect at Exvoto in Mountain Brook.
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