You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.
Isaiah 58:12 The Message
InSpero believes in the power of creative community to bring beauty, hope, and healing to our city and churches. Join us this Fall as we explore The Art of Community in September and The City Beautiful/The Church Beautiful in October.
Listen in as two singer/songwriters, a storyteller and a counselor/author discuss their need for community in a world filled with isolation, comparisons, and competition. They will also share what creative community looks like in Nashville and how it’s forming in Birmingham. You’ll hear original songs from Eric Peters of Nashville and Corey Nolen of Birmingham, stories from author Jonathan Rogers of Nashville, and a reflection from Birmingham-based counselor Gordon Bals about the universal longing for community. It's this Thursday, September 15 at Pike Road Millwork. Link here for tickets.
Join us for a special evening with singer/songwriter Eric Peters as he shares songs from his latest album, Far Side of the Sea. Eric has a soft spot for folks who, like him, struggle with anxiety, depression, and are in recovery. An artist to the core, Eric also paints, creates folk-art sculptures out of repurposed, found objects (Daily Piece), and is an avid collector of books. He lives in Nashville, TN with his bride and their two boys. It will be held at the Wolnski home in Vestavia Hills at 7 p.m. with music starting at 7:30 p.m. Please purchase your tickets in advance / $10 per person. Dessert and coffee provided. Link here for tickets.
Saturday, September 17
Covenant Presbyterian Church
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
We tell our stories, not only to be understood, but in order to understand ourselves. In this one-day seminar on the short memoir, author and teacher Jonathan Rogers will help you find your voice and shape your memories into written stories.The day's instruction will include short lectures, group discussions, and several short writing exercises.
Link here for information and tickets.
This October InSpero presents a series of events featuring two of our board members who are nationally known voices on the integration of faith, vocation, and the arts for the flourishing of our cities. They are Dr. Steven Garber, author of Visions of Vocation and founder and president of the Washington Institute of Faith, Vocation and Culture and Andi Ashworth, co-founder and executive director emeritus of Art House America and author of Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring.
Andi will speak on "Havens of Grace: Hospitality in a Busy World" at a beautiful home and garden on Tuesday, October 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., catered by Ashley Mac's. Ashley MacMakin and her mother, Sandy Deaton, will also share on generations of hospitality which have resulted in the Ashley Mac's restaurants in the Birmingham area. Sharing starts at 11:50 a.m. Limited seating. Link here for tickets.
Steve and Andi will speak on "The City Beautiful" on how cities around the country are being "flourished" by the shared vision and work of visionaries, leaders, artists, and those committed to the common good. This event is for all who love our city. It will be held Wednesday, October 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nest with catering by Post Office Pies. They will begin speaking at noon. Limited seating. Link here for tickets.
InSpero is honored to gather at 16th Street Baptist Churchfor a citywide prayer breakfast on Thursday, October 20 from 6 - 8 a.m. Get there early for food and coffee. Steve Garber will begin speaking at 6:30 a.m. Covenant Presbyterian Church is helping cater the breakfast.
Please link to our website calendar for list of all our upcoming events.
InSpero's financial and volunteer needs grow as we reach more of Birmingham's creative community to bring beauty, hope, and healing to our city and churches. Please contact Rachel Hunt at to find your place at InSpero to invest your time, talents, and passions. Click on our donate button to help support our vision.
Beauty matters and so do those who create it.
November 20, 2023
Mary Madeline Schumpert reflects on Inspero's Creatives Connect at Exvoto in Mountain Brook.
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