Rushing Waters

October 17, 2013

As I sit listening to the rain this morning I am turned toward hope, curiosity, and wonder....

EARLY this morning while it was still dark-  I was sitting with my coffee...quiet...listening....

I received a text from a dear friend which read:

"The sound of Rushing waters...."  (God is SO kind)

It is a privilege to be in community with those who see past the veil of this life and give me glimpses into the truer reality.

Our house is situated beside a creek and so, even now if I am still-  I can hear the water rushing after the rain....

Her next text said;

"And there's something about hearing it in the dark..."

Most of life is lived in the dark it seems.....

what a gift to be reminded of HOPE while waiting in the darkness.

HE is coming soon!

This upcoming November 10 - Hymn Night is just such a reminder of hope in the darkness... a reminder of Future HOPE..and the Kindness of God in the present.

A few months ago, on a day when I was pondering (ie: floundering, despairing, doubting) whether or not InSpero was my idea or God's idea....

Corey Nolen and Adam Wright visited my studio to share a dream.

Corey Nolan.jpg

I told them I felt like I was watching a movie as I listened to them share their vision and excitement for this Hymn project and Show they had in mind...

and they wanted to partner with InSpero (God is SO Kind).

My heart was burning inside as I heard their desire to re-visit the rich texts of old hymns, re-surface what has been lost, soak in community... truth,..mystery,...and future hope.

A Gift.  To the Church.  To InSpero, To me.

Like the sound of Rushing Waters.....

Together we desire to: REVIVE, RESTORE, RE-HOPE, REDEEM...

Join InSpero as we proudly present:  "Thy Love Inspires"- Collaborative Hymn Show-  NOVEMBER 10, Leeds Presbyterian

Most of life is lived in the dark it seems..... what a gift to be reminded of HOPE while waiting in the darkness.  Join us!

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