InSpero Shining a "Light so Lovely"

May 5, 2015
cityscape by Abby Little
"Cityscape" by Abby Little

InSpero shares the vision of Madeleine L'Engle of "showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it." We invite you to enjoy two special events where that lovely light will shine next week.

"We want to give good gifts to our city, our creative community and our churches." says Gina Hurry, founder and co-director of InSpero. "We also love collaborating with our friends to shine the beautiful light on our city."  Local musicians, artists, writers, poets, potters, pastors and bakers join together for Magic City Storytellers and Waiting for the Muse.

Magic City Storytellers at The Clubhouse on Highland, May 14, 6:45 p.m.
Magic City Storytellers at The Clubhouse on Highland, May 14, 6:45 p.m.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 14 for a night of story and song beginning at 6:45 p.m. for wine and cheese on the patio of the beautiful Clubhouse on Highland at 2908 Highland Avenue South. You'll enjoy stories, poems and songs by local artists with an intermission featuring "Milk and Cookie Happy Hour for Grown-Ups" provided by Baking Bandits. This is a free event with donations to InSpero welcome (and needed) so we can continue to do this several times a year.  Come early as we anticipate a full house!

Joel Madison Blount and his band are featured both at our Magic City Storytellers Night and at Waiting for the Muse: Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and the Mystery of the Creative Process on Sunday, May 17 5-7 p.m. at Independent Presbyterian Church, 3106 Highland Avenue South.  

In Sunday, May 17th's Waiting for the Muse, Pastor David Seamon will lead a special Ascension Sunday service at Independent Presbyterian Church. We will explore the mystery of the creative process as we anticipate Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Joel Madison Blount Band will perform. Susan Gordon and Lana Hobbs will be at their pottery wheels. You'll get to interact with these and more artists as we have a conversation about creativity and the Spirit.  A casual reception follows the service.  

Waiting for the Muse: Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and the Mystery of the Creative Process at Independent Presbyterian Church (at the white church building to the right of the main sanctuary)
Waiting for the Muse: Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and the Mystery of the Creative Process at Independent Presbyterian Church (at the white church building to the right of the main sanctuary)

Both events are open and free to the public. The light is shining bright on Birmingham.

Magic City Storytellers include original songs by Joel Madison Blount and Alison Ritch, short stories by Riley Kross and Nancy Carroll, and poetry by Irene Latham, Nathan Klose and Charlie Ritch (accompanied by original music by Bradley Harris).

Waiting for the Muse participants include Joel Madison Blount band, potters Susan Gordon and Lana Hobbs, and Pastor David Seamon.  Other artists will engage in the creative process conversation with those who attend the service.

InSpero will post photos and list all those who are "villaging" with us to make these events possible in a following blog post.

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