February 2020

February 6, 2020

2020 Vision Retreat

For a few magical days in January, a small group of InSpero Board members and supporters met at the beautiful Storybrooke Lodge outside Nashville. Thank you to Marti Scudder and Steve Lorenz of MDI, Sarah Aughtman and her special Three-Bucket Dinners, Rev. Dave Burden, Andi Ashworth and Charlie Peacock, and the Cash family for pouring into InSpero. We came away even more affirmed in our calling to cultivate creative community to bring beauty and healing to Birmingham.

Thank you to all our donors!

This past year, Gina and Nancy boldly asked you to join us in sustaining InSpero in this year of growth and opportunity. We are humbled to say because of you, we raised more than $50,000 through the end of 2019.

These donations will help us nurture creative community in Birmingham and continue to offer intentional acts of beauty and hospitality which will bring hope and healing to our city and churches. And to continue to dream for ways to make Birmingham more beautiful.

Because of our donors, we have been able to:

Hire our first administrator


Morgan Nordyke

Morgan is an artist, wife, and mom to three children. She has one of those rare "both-sides" brain of being a creative artist but loving organization. She has worked as an administrative assistant at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church for the last five years. She stepped down from that job to pursue her passion in painting and to come alongside InSpero. She longs to bring people together for community and to help empower others to use their gifts.

Have been able to sponsor events such as:
Bridge Builders, Magic City Storytellers, Pastor-Artist Dinners, retreats and concerts.

Dream for our city!
We are overwhelmed with the creative possibilities for our city and ask that you continue to partner with us and contribute to InSpero.


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Lent Retreat February 25

Slow down and prepare for the Lent Season through our annual retreat.

The daytime retreat will be held at the beautiful home of Kerry Leasure in Bluff Park and will be led by Charlotte Donlon and music by Annie Lee. After lunch, weather permitting, we will end our time walking at Children’s Fresh Air Farm a few blocks away. Purchase tickets

The evening retreat will be held at Church Street Coffee and Books and also will be led by Charlotte and Annie. Space is limited so please register quickly. Purchase Tickets


Sandra McCracken Benefit Concert

We are humbled and excited that dear friend Sandra McCracken is coming to Birmingham to offer an intimate house concert on Friday, February 28 at the home of Kelly Hulsey for all those who give $1,000 or more to InSpero this year. If you are interested in donating to InSpero and attending, please email Nancy at nancy@inspero.org.

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Songwriter Workshop and Concert

We’re delighted that Andy Gullahorn and Ben Shive will lead a songwriter’s workshop on Friday, March 13 at the farm of Peter and Amy Wolnski followed by a concert at 7 p.m.
Tickets to the workshop purchase here.

Tickets for the concert purchase here.  

Magic City Storytellers Thursday,  June 11
at the Clubhouse on Highland

This event sells out every year! Look for ticket link soon! Two Birmingham-based singer-songwriters, two poets, two fiction writers in a beautiful setting. A special night.

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